Certified Mail Processing


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Apartment Complexes and legal documents and sending out certified mail is a chore and time-consuming.

  1. 2 certified forms
  2. An envelope
  3. a document that goes inside (1oz document.  At most 2 sheets of paper)  If you need to send heaver documents, contact me.
  4. Go to the post office

You will need to send via email or delivery:

  1. Documents that go into the envelope.  If you need a signature on the letters, you can attach a .jpg of your signature which can be included when printing the documents.
  2. Mailing list.
  3. Send these items to: WrightEnterprises@hotmail.com or Store232@outlook.com

We will print out your documents, assemble the package, and address the envelope with the certified forms.  You will then receive the certified forms back to you.

The price includes envelopes, printer, paper, time prepping the documents, and time going to the post office which is $9.25 per mail piece