Welcome to Grocery Bag.  Get fast delivery in the Waycross, GA area

If you are not in Waycross, you can still have items shipped to your location.

Hours: 9 am to 3 pm

Have your order in by 12 Noon to have it delivered the same day. Please make sure your phone number is active and ready to receive a call for out-of-stock substitutions.

Order on the store app and pay by debit/credit card and it will be delivered within a couple of hours. This is a delivery service and usually not a stop-and-pickup.

I am sorry we don’t accept food stamp orders.

Coupons: To make money, I use the coupons. I would love it if you gave me coupons, but I can’t use them to take money off your order unless a coupon comes from Store232.com.

I cannot ship ice cream, chocolate, or other things that won’t make it in the summer heat outside of the Waycross area.

Scott M Wright Enterprises 800 E Blackshear Ave Waycross, GA 31501 (954) 282-9896 voice/text store232@outlook.com

Click here to order at the Online store.

Click here to see the newly added items.

If you can’t find your items at the online store, send an email so I can update the online store.






code words: uber eats, hubgrub, food delivery, Walmart, kroger, Piggly Wiggly, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Door Dash, Aldi, Instacart, grocery delivery