Translate a document, audio or video


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Translate modern language to English or vice versa.  I will do my best to translate, but due to translation, it might not be 100% perfect.  I do not do live translations.  Have them type on the typewriter or save the recording on a speech recorder app and send it to me or have them write it out clearly on a piece of paper.  Just email the document over in Word, pdf file, audio, or video.  Once you pay for the service you will receive an email asking for the document to send.  You just reply and attach the document to the email.

Example: you are doing research and come across an article or letter in another language other than your own and it can be translated into your language.  English, Spanish, Polish, etc.

The charge is between

  • 0-1000 words = $20
  • 1001-2000 words = $40
  • 2001-3000 words = $60 etc…

A law enforcement translation will start out at $60 (you will select qty 3) and you will receive a refund or billed more depending on how many words were translated.

Translate a picture = $10

The Lancashire village where Spanish street signs have ...This means “No Passing Trucks”



Spanish criminal record check from Central Register of Convicted Offenders and Fugitives= This is a Polish police record