To place a classified ad, go here. Classified ads do cost money.
- 100-Business Listing
- 200-Help Wanted
- 300-Services
- 350-Free Items or missing pets – free
- 400-Place for rent
- 500-Place for sale
- 600-Vehicles for sale
- 700-Farm Equipment
- 800-Boats
- 900-Trailers
- 1000-Pets and livestock for sale
- 1100-Notices
- 1200-Obits
Go ahead and place an ad. They will stay visible for 30 days.
What should be in the ads, is the price
Property should have: sq footage, the price for the whole thing not by the sq footage and other fees,
Business and help wanted, you should list the salary and times to work ie: 8am to 530pm
Free items/pets listing all free, anything that will charge money, your ad will be pulled with no refund
Services, nothing illegal
Obits will stay permanently and should not be deleted.
1 picture per ad at no extra charge, each picture added is $1. To get around this, host your pictures elsewhere and put a link that says: See pictures here