Marathon Lawn Service

We do a variety of labor services


We offer free quotes

Mowing residential/commercial properties starts at $20 but it is based on the size of your property. Click here. If you are a new customer use this coupon code for 10% off. bea3k5ye

Parking lot line striping.  Pricing is done on liner foot calculations of line painting.

Planting a small garden.  How big is the garden bed, and what plants do you want?  Do you want us to come back every day and water the new garden?  We don’t do any plumbing installation for irigation.

Yard cleanup  $250 per day +  If you have an overgrown yard and so many small trees that all need to be cut down.  If it is just minor stuff small yard, usually 1-2 days.  The full front and back yard needs to be cleaned out in 5-6 days.

apartment Clean out $125 +.  Somebody moved out, we will come in and empty all the remaining items into your trash bin, vacuum, sanitize the bathroom and kitchen and if you need to paint is an option.

A meter reading of your yard is $10.00.  This will tell you the PH level of your yard.

+ You have a dumpster available or $150 haul away

Automotive – Hours are usually from 8 am to Noon

You ran out of gas $20, I bring 1 gallon of gas to you.

Jump Start, I will come and jump your vehicle, sorry not the semi’s $20

Transport a few items at $1 per mile, you load and unload a minimum of $20

Contact US here

Give us the address and what you want done at the property, I will come by and check it out.

Let me know if you want this done once, weekly, every 2 weeks or every month