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We need the following to register you into the system

Please read the terms and conditions:  [link]

Email: test@gmail.com
First Name: Tom
Last Name: Jones
Home Address: 123 Main Street
City: Ormond Beach
State: Florida
Zipcode: 32174
Country: USA
Telephone #: 5556661234

system process
check email against whitepages data base http://store232.com/my411data.info/search/
If email = match - if multiple profiles have same email - select the most recent - if profile is owned - login - if not owned "Please select a password" = 1556ffp
If first name & Last name & telephone match - if profile is owned - login - if not owned "Please select a password"= 1556ffp

If nothing matches auto enter information and "Please select a password"= 1556ffp

Lastly, we need your payment information.  This is a cashless transaction.  Everything is prepaid.

Please enter your credit card number: 5555123466667777
Please enter your experation date: 06/17
If you would like to autotip please select here:  O 0%  O 5%  O 10%  O 15%  O 25% of the final fare.

You are all done registering.  We will send you back to the main page so you can request your driver.
